Thursday, June 07, 2007

Paris Hilton or Bust!

So now I know society has really gone to the dogs or to Paris...

Even when I don't care or want to know about the infamous, Paris Hilton, the media shoves it in my face - it's at the newsstands, on the evening news and the radio. Newsflash: I DON'T CARE.
Well, I must care because I'm writing about it, but why I'm writing is because I never cease to be amazed at the number of 'well you know' people who commit a crime and don't do the time.

So...after a few days in jail, poor Paris Hilton is allowed to finish her sentence in the comfort of her multi-million dollar mansion with an electronic anklet attached to her ankle. What if the electronic tag isn't covered in diamonds? Poor, poor Paris. I can just hear her saying, "But it doesn't match the rest of my outfit - where's all the diamonds?"

So they're releasing her because she's having a panic attack? What, she doesn't have a solid gold toilet in prison? Poor, girl - that would do me in as well.

It's so sad that she's under house arrest for the next 40 days. Does that mean - she can't leave her mansion to go shopping on Rodeo Drive? Awww, that's sad - what's a girl supposed to do?

Paris was originally sentenced to 45 days incarceration for breaking the terms of a drink-driving probation, but as everyone can see, 5 days was just too long for the poor girl. If it was you or me with this conviction, they'd throw away the key indefinately. Ain't society grand!

Lessons you can walk away with:

  • Always look sexy - even when your picture is a mugshot
  • Play the victim - you'll receive the first 'get out of jail free' card
  • Change your last name to Hilton - you'll always have a place to stay
  • Make sure your dog has more diamonds on him than the cost of the average person's home - then you'll feel complete
  • Be sure your anklet matches your outfit - you may have to ask for designer anklets in different gemstone colors so the anklet doesn't clash with your stripper outfits.

Am I being sarcastic? Ya think?

There is one great thing about stories like this - they take our minds off the real issues of climate change, Afghanistan, money issues and so forth.

Happy escaping,

Lisa Rickwood - "Small Biz Stress Buster"

Lisa Rickwood, "Small Biz Stress Buster," is a small business coach, visual artist and author of Escape The Pace: 100 Fun And Easy Ways To Slow Down And Enjoy Your Life and co-author of Power & Soul: 42 Successful Entrepreneurs Share their Secrets for Creating the Business and Life of Their Dreams. She helps small business owners ‘master stress for professional and personal success.’ Get your FREE e-book, 5 Critical Actions That Hurt Your Business and Add Stress to Your Life…and How to Escape Them by visiting:

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