Thursday, August 16, 2007

Escaping Adulthood and other Fun things...

Recently, I was contacted by a great couple, Kim and Jason, who have an awesome business called: Escape Adulthood. What I loved was their philosophy about 'getting less serious, having more fun and doing things that kids love.'They believe and I do too, that as adults, we suffer from 'Adultitis,' too serious, too many responsibilities, too much stress and not enough fun. I agree.

Have you ever sat down and thought, 'I'm working my @%*&* butt off and for what?' Have your really asked yourself why you're here on this planet other than maybe helping people, feeding a family, paying for your kids' college education and saving for the old folks home for your parents?

I don't think we're designed to just work and slave away and not enjoy life, if this was the case, we'd all be fruit flies - just feeding, reproducing and dying.

There's a lot of creatures on the planet that do just that - they are part of the cycle of life and simply act as food for other creatures.But us - we're supposed to be the smart creatures but I think other animals are smarter - they just can't communicate as sophisticatedly as us.

So what are we supposed to do when we get overwhelmed and forget to have fun? Put it on your to-do list. That's right - get up off your butt and go write down the world F-U-N in your daytimer every day.

Your assignment:
Do something just for you every day. It has to be fun, it can't involve making a living and paying bills, it can't be a chore, it must be fun, it has to stimulate some joy in you and it can take 5 minutes or an afternoon. must do it every day.

If you practice this philosophy of having fun every day for at least 30 days, you will see a shift in your thinking - you will question why you don't have any fun.

Want some other ideas? Check out my interview with Kim and Jason at:

Now, I'm going to go play Lasertag with my kids and then later, XBOX 360's - Guitar Hero II so I can feel like a Rock Star.

Happy playing,

Lisa - "Small Biz Stress Buster"

Lisa Rickwood, "Small Biz Stress Buster," is a small business coach, visual artist and author of Escape The Pace: 100 Fun And Easy Ways To Slow Down And Enjoy Your Life and co-author of Power & Soul: 42 Successful Entrepreneurs Share their Secrets for Creating the Business and Life of Their Dreams. She helps small business owners ‘master stress for professional and personal success.’ Get your FREE e-book, 5 Critical Actions That Hurt Your Business and Add Stress to Your Life…and How to Escape Them by visiting:

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