You've probably heard the riddle before - the answer is TIME. We can create pretty much anything else but we can't recreate missing, wasted time. We all get 24 hours a day and that's it; we can try to add a couple hours and make it 26 hours a day but then we're into another new day.
There are zillions of time management books in the market and while they offer great advice, they can't deny that we really can't manage time - time is a man-made concept. You can't put time in a box, you can't stop for freeze time or rewind it, it just keeps moving.
How do you know time is passing? You see the second hand on the clock ticking by, the changing of the seasons, another new wrinkle...
What can you do to make the most of time? This depends on who you talk to and what book you read but we all know there are things that can make your time work for you:
- Track your time: Not sure how much time is wasted or how productive you are? Take a day and record what you do from the time you wake up until you go to sleep. You'd be amazed at the amount of time you eat, sleep, commute, work, communicate with others, exercise, do hobbies, etc.
- Set your intentions: (notice how I didn't say goals) Set your intentions for what you want to do each day, month and year. What do you really want for your life?
- Set up teams: even if you're new in business and don't have a lot of money, you can hire or trade services with others and get others to help you achieve your intentions more quickly
- Take mini breaks: the human body can only focus effectively for 90 minutes at a time - taking mini breaks keeps you more productive and rested
- Find time for fun: if you work hard, play hard
- Record your memories: be sure to track your memories - life speeds by and you want to get those photos off your computer onto discs and in photo albums
- Life is relationships: whatever you do with your time, form good relationships with others - life and time will be sweeter
For more information on how to minimize stress and make the most of time, visit Lisa and try her One Hour Stress Buster Power Hour
Take care and happy escaping,
Lisa Rickwood - "Small Biz Stress Buster"
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