Monday, November 12, 2007

To Sit or Not to Sit - This is the Question...

Has this happened to you? You rush around all week and then make BIG plans for the weekend and the weekend arrives and you're out of steam.

All those HUGE ideas for getting things done are replaced by fatigue and the temptation to sit on the couch all day and watch every stupid reality T.V. show and movie that happens to be on the tube.

All of a sudden, you're filled with 'guilt' because you should be doing something worthwhile even though there's gale force winds outside and trees are bending over backward.

This happened to me the other day. I didn't want to call anyone, just barely got out of my PJs (put on sweats) and didn't put on makeup. Whee whoo!

It was pouring rain outside and it was Remembrance Day (Veterans Day in the U.S.) and it felt great to 'do nothing an ignore the world.'

Do you have days like this? If you don't, you should. Because I feel absolutely revitalized after this weekend of not traveling, not visiting people and not looking at email more than once a day. Yes, I felt a little 'funny' but I shouldn't feel guilty as I wrote a book about slowing down. If I can't relax without feeling bad, no one stands a chance.

So your assignment this week is to pick a day or a couple of hours during the week to do absolutely nothing. That's right - no T.V., no exercise, no errands. Just take a nap, doodle in a sketchbook, learn an instrument, go for a long walk, visit a friend or start a new hobby.

Let me know how you do - drop me a line and tell me how you 'escaped.'
