Friday, March 30, 2007

The Secret Movie isn't a Secret

Have you seen the most talked about movie, The Secret?

I bought it last year - long before people talked about it. I thought the concepts were fairly well explained but playing the devil's advocate, I also found it a little too sugar-coated. (I'm sorry if I'm insulting anyone; I still like the movie, it's just a little too simplified)

I applied the principles of attraction and did manifest a 17 1/2 foot speedboat in less than six weeks and yes, it was amazing how it came about. But, it wasn't magic - it was based on intention.

Here's how it works: If I ask you not to think of a hot red sports car, what's your mind doing? You mind is thinking of the red sports car (maybe even visualizing it) even though I told you not to think of the red sports car. This is the same with the Law of Attraction (the key secret in the movie).

You get what you focus on so if you're thinking about how you hate your car, how sick you feel, you'll get more of this even if it's something you don't want.

How do you get good things if your life is filled with negativity? Don't think about the bad things - rephrase it and say, "I'm so happy and grateful now that ___ ."

But what if you have a chronic health problem that can't be fixed? In order to make this system work, your mind must believe what you are feeding it so if you can't solve your health problem, you need to reword it to say, "I'm so happy and grateful now that I'm working towards making myself stronger and healthier." You might not necessarily cure your issue but you'll feel better.

The problem I had with the movie was in the financial section when the movie showed the man (financial investor) who kept getting bills in the mail. He said that he imagined getting cheques in the mail. This section was simplified. What the movie didn't delve into is that it's more than just imagining cheques in the mail - it's him realizing that he deserves to make more money - that he changes his thinking to a way of abundance. When people have money problems, it's never about the money.

People have money problems because they don't really understand what money is. Money is energy and if you don't feel you deserve better (feeling abundant), you won't attract it.

People in the movie didn't just learn about the principles of attraction, they had to reinvent their thinking and lives. Just wanting something doesn't make it so - you must ask for it, visualize it, feel it, and feel you deserve it. Also, your answers may come to you and not be easy - you may have to work hard and change your thinking and way of living. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. With Law of Attraction, opportunities will come your way but they may be disguised by hard work and sacrifice.

My verdict of the movie - it's great information for people and I'm happy the movie was created but it's not as simple as it looks. It's too simplified. You must be willing to change your beliefs, thinking and actions. This isn't easy - this is what change is like. You must be willing to let your old life die to give birth to your new life.

That's it for now - I give the movie a 4 out of 5. Definately worth seeing and rewatching (I own the movie)but remember that it takes more than what is suggested here.

If you want to hear more about how to master stress for professional and personal success, visit me at:

I look forward to hearing from you,


Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Are You Missing Power & Soul in Your Life and Business?

Are you feeling a little drained, tired, or "stuck?" If you are, I have a powerful book filled with 42 powerful antidotes to your stressors. It's called, Power & Soul: 42 Successful Entrepreneurs Share Their Secrets for Creating the Business and Life of Their Dreams.

Packed with practical tips, this soon-to-be released book (end of March, 2007) will help you "Master Stress and Attain Success." It's written by 42 successful entrepreneurs that have found practical solutions to business and life challenges.

In the meantime, here are some tips to combat that "stuck" feeling that can happen after a long winter.

Try this:

* Book a trip - long or short, it doesn't matter, just do it

* Spend time with uplifting people - being with positive people is a great way to pull you out a "funk"

* Exercise - most of us know this is a great way to feel better physically and emotionally and it's the best way to combat stress

* Rent a funny movie - this may boost your spirits

* Sign up for a workshop, play-shop, tele-class, course - something that interests you

* Ask for help - stuck in your business? Don't be afraid to ask another business person how they solved a problem. Many of us entreprenuers believe we should struggle endlessly by ourselves. Research shows the most successful business people surround themselves with metnors and friends to help them learn more quickly so they can 'work smarter, not harder.'

* Eat right - a lot of stress is caused when we skip meals, eat too much sugar, drink too much caffeine and skip the healthy foods. You can't be successful if you're sick.

Best of luck with your success - watch for an upcoming order link for the Power & Soul book.

Take care and happy escaping,
