Sunday, February 25, 2007

What You Can Learn From Marin Scorsese

Like many people, I sat at the edge of my seat watching the 79th Annual Academy Awards on February 25th, 2007. And, like many people, I had my favorites that I wanted to see win, and I was pleasantly surprised by the surprises as well. But, the thrill of the night was to see a talented man finally make friends with Oscar.

The night before the Academy awards, award-nominated, talented director, Martin Scorsese finally was named best director of 2006 for "The Departed" by the Directors Guild of America. This was his first win in this category and he'd been nominated seven times before.

Scorsese is one of the most influential filmmakers in history with the likes of "Raging Bull", "Taxi Driver," "Goodfellas," "The Aviator," and finally...the winning combo - his latest movie, "The Departed." After being nominated for five times before and not making friends with Oscar, Scorsese finally got his Oscar. The Academy finally did something right.

Needless to say, he was moved and so was the crowd who stood to give him a warm, standing ovation. A lot can be learned from Marty.

First, he didn't take his lack of wins personally. Second, he was a gentleman and never spoke bad of anyone. Third, he kept on working hard, producing more and more amazing films despite not getting the nod. When he finally received his long-deserved award, he was humble and thought about the people around him - here is a first-class man.

When you find yourself working and not getting the rewards, do yourself a favor and keep the faith. Sometimes the universe just takes longer with you but the rewards are sweeter; remember - 'what we get in haste we tend to waste.' The longer you have to wait, the more you grow and appreciate things when they finally go your way.

Remember this when it seems that nothing is 'going your way.'

Hope this helps and feel free to email me with your pearls of wisdom.

Happy escaping,

Lisa Rickwood - "Small Biz Stress Buster"

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Feb. 14, 2007

Welcome to Escape the Pace - a blog filled with simple and quick ideas to pull you out of overwhelm.

If you're a small biz owner or entrepreneur, you're no stranger to overwhelm. In fact you've probably battled having to pay taxes when money is tight, too many emails, tele-marketers, too many unfinished project and not enough time...

I have an idea - take this week and do something you love to do. Don't just tell yourself you're going to do it, add it to your calendar or Palm Pilot like an appointment. When people phone, don't cancel it - simply say, "I'm booked up at that time. What other times would work?"

Next, decide what you love to do and write it down, better yet - write down your top 100 things you love to do.

For example, you might like traveling, drinking Mochas at Starbucks, playing raquetball, watching sports on T.V., getting a massage, exercising, getting outside...It really doesn't matter what you love, just that you STOP MAKING EXCUSES AND PUT YOURSELF FIRST.

If you take care of your needs, you'll have energy and motivation to help others.

If you need some ideas for the top 1oo things to love, email me at: and I'll send you my PDF sampler list to get you going.

Happy escaping,

Lisa Rickwood - "Small Biz Stress Buster"

P.S. Here's something I love to do - go to the beach with my two sons...